We Are the Leading center of Expertise on the UN Guiding Principles
We believe in a world where business gets done with respect for people’s dignity.
Putting the UNGPS into practice
Human Rights Reporting
Valuing Respect
Sports and Human Rights
Sustainability and Human Rights
Standard Setters
Standards set the rules for how businesses should behave. We advise governments, regional and international organizations and other bodies on how to put respect for people at the center of the standards they design.
Featured Project
Human Rights Due Diligence: The State of Play in Europe
READBusiness Enterprises
We partner with companies and their stakeholders –across a wide variety of geographies and industries– to help embed business respect for human rights in their everyday reality. The complexity and scope of each engagement is different, but we approach each one through our unique, mission-driven lens.
Featured Project
Beyond Pride: The Rights of LGBTI People and the Corporate Responsibility to Respect
READFinancial Institutions
Financial institutions –including investors, are critical agents of change because of both, the scope of their own responsibility and the way they can influence and incentivize business behavior. We partner with them to make sure they nudge businesses in the right direction.
Featured Project
Financial Institutions and Remedy: Myths and Misconceptions

We are a mission-driven team of experts
Shift is the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our global team of experts works across all continents and sectors to challenge assumptions, push boundaries, and help redefine corporate practice, in order to build a world where business gets done with respect for people’s dignity. We are a non-profit, mission-driven organization, headquartered in New York City.
Who We Work With
Financial Institutions
Civil Society
Academic Institutions
Trade Unions
Sports Bodies
“If Shift didn’t exist it would have to be invented. It is the most innovative, most creative and most trustworthy entity anywhere, focused on making the UN Guiding Principles part of everyday practice in business, in government and on the part of civil society.”

Small Team, Big Impact!
The map below features a few examples of our work around the globe to advance business respect for human rights
The map below features a few examples of our work around the globe to advance business respect for human rights
CANADA | We have been supporting Export Development Canada to strengthen its work on human rights at both strategic and operational levels.
UNITED STATES | We worked with a major food and beverage company to integrate stakeholder engagement into its global human rights strategy.
MEXICO | We collaborated with Oxfam and the UN Global Compact Local Network to develop guidance on the responsibility to respect human rights. LEARN MORE
URUGUAY | We helped a global business identify and address human rights risks at a local site. Learn more about our Business Learning Program.
BRAZIL | Shift helped a global brand engage its local operating company in identifying salient human rights issues and developing appropriate mitigation plans.
PERU | Shift conducted country-level stakeholder engagement to inform our development of the International Council on Mining and Metals’ (ICMM) updated guidance on grievance mechanisms for its members. LEARN MORE
COLOMBIA | Shift led human rights capacity-building sessions at headquarters and site levels for an energy company.
SWITZERLAND | Shift collaborated with former UN Human Rights Chief, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, to provide strategic recommendations on human rights to the International Olympic Committe. LEARN MORE
FINLAND | Shift supported the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU in convening a flagship conference in 2019 on the UNGPs and developing an Agenda for Action at EU level. LEARN MORE
POLAND | We consulted with business, government, investor and civil society stakeholders to inform our Valuing Respect Project. LEARN MORE
NETHERLANDS | Shift worked with a Dutch trade union to develop guidance for businesses on respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining in their operations and global value chains. LEARN MORE
UNITED KINGDOM | Shift convened a group of retail companies to explore the human rights risks faced by ‘final mile’ delivery workers in their value chains and how they could use leverage to address them.
SPAIN | Shift supported a global apparel company to prioritize salient human rights issues in key sourcing markets and reevaluate existing strategies to address specific risks.
SWEDEN | We collaborated with several influential institutional investors – the AP Funds – to deepen their human rights due diligence approaches.
NIGERIA | We helped a major global business engage its local operating company in identifying salient human rights issues and developing appropriate mitigation plans.
TUNISIA | We worked with CDC, the UK’s development finance institution, to build the capacity of private equity managers and businesses from across North Africa to prevent and address human rights risks. LEARN MORE
GHANA | We worked with the National Human Rights Institution on capacity-building on the UN Guiding Principles for businesses, government and civil society.
KENYA | Shift worked with businesses to build capacity on the UN Guiding Principles and human rights due diligence.
BELGIUM | Shift is working to inform the development of an EU Directive on due diligence that aligns with the UN Guiding Principles through our engagement with key EU institutions.
SOUTH AFRICA | We consulted with business, government, investor and civil society stakeholders to inform our Valuing Respect Project and worked with a major mining company to evaluate human rights risks across its sites.
ETHIOPIA | Shift worked with CDC, the UK’s development finance institution, to build the capacity of private equity managers and businesses in Ethiopia to prevent and address human rights risks. LEARN MORE
FRANCE | Shift analyzed the impact of the French Duty of Vigilance Law on the quality of human rights disclosure by top French companies using our unique maturity methodology. LEARN MORE
QATAR | Through our Vice President’s role as Chair of FIFA’s independent Human Rights Advisory Board, we are working to help address risks to migrant workers connected to the FIFA World Cup 2022. LEARN MORE about Shift’s work on Sports and Human Rights.
TURKEY | Shift collaborated with Oxfam and the UN Global Compact Local Network to develop guidance on the responsibility to respect human rights. LEARN MORE
JAPAN | Shift worked with businesses in Japan to build capacity on the UN Guiding Principles and human rights due diligence.
THAILAND | Shift consulted with business, government, investor and civil society stakeholders to inform our Valuing Respect Project, and collaborated with the Thai Government Pension Fund on a capacity-building workshop.
MALAYSIA | Shift worked with a global agricultural commodity company to conduct engagement with affected stakeholders to better understand its human rights impacts and to inform its actions in response.
INDIA | Shift has worked with companies in the food and beverage and ICT sectors to test and develop their human rights risk identification and mitigation approaches.
CAMBODIA | Shift helped a major global business engage its local operating company in identifying salient human rights issues and developing appropriate mitigation plans.
INDONESIA | Shift collaborated with Oxfam and the UN Global Compact Local Network to develop guidance on the responsibility to respect human rights. LEARN MORE
NEW ZEALAND | Shift worked with the National Human Rights Institution and major institutional investor on capacity-building on the UNGPs for businesses, investors and civil society.
Our most recent publications on putting The UNGPS into practice
News & Views

News stories and short articles inspired by our hands-on work
Latest in
November 2024 | Featured
Putting human rights at the heart of a just transition
June 2021 | Viewpoints
The Quiet Radicalism of the Responsibility to Respect
March 2025 | Viewpoints
Effective risk-based due diligence is key to reducing inequality and restoring the stable environment companies need to compete.
March 2025 | Featured
The European Commission’s ‘Omnibus Simplification Proposal’: Shift’s Initial Reflections
December 2023 | News
Shift welcomes substantial alignment of the political agreement on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive with the UNGPs
June 2023 | News
Call for the ISSB to prioritize development of a thematic social-related disclosures standard
May 2023 | News
Announcement of the John Ruggie Fellowship Program 2023 Host Organizations and Application Process

March 2025 | Featured
The European Commission’s ‘Omnibus Simplification Proposal’: Shift’s Initial Reflections
06 March 2025 The European Commission has launched its Omnibus Simplification Proposal to address concerns about sustainability regulations in the EU. But measured by its own objectives of simplifying requirements and reducing burdens on smaller companies, the proposals are a remarkable own goal. Negotiations in the coming months must be grounded in a practical grasp […]