
As Vice President with Shift, Mark helps shape our strategy and oversees a range of our collaborations with companies, governments, investors, civil society and other partners. Mark co-led Shift’s VALUING RESPECT PROJECT, focused on developing better ways to evaluate business respect for human rights. He has extensive insight into how businesses implement the UN Guiding Principles in practice. As a trained moderator and facilitator, Mark has deep interest and experience in leading processes that address complex challenges and lead to practical outcomes.

Mark has focused significantly on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in the context of emerging digital technologies such as AI, facial recognition, cloud computing and social media. He has served as Senior Advisor to the UN Human Rights Business, Human Rights and Technology (B-Tech) project to develop guidance and recommendations for companies, States and investors about how to embed respect for human rights into the business of technology. Mark has also been a Technology and Human Rights Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Carr Center.

Mark was previously the Executive Director of the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights (GBI) which he co-founded in 2009. In that role he led the development of GBI’s cross-industry peer learning program that addressed the daily realities and dilemmas of doing business with respect for human rights. His work also included a project on leverage in corporate lending and project finance for the Dutch Banking Sector Agreement on International Responsible Business Conduct, and the development of a program of work on new digital technologies for the Institute for Human Rights and Business. Mark has designed and delivered training and capacity building around the world to business leaders, NGO representatives and students, and conducted factory and mine assessments and field visits in several countries with a focus on India, where he was based between 2009 and 2012.

Mark has authored or contributed to a number of publications including: The Transformative Nature of Respect (Allen and Overy business and human rights journal), a chapter on responsible business in Myanmar in Business and Human Rights in South East Asia – Risk and the Regulatory Turn (Routledge) and the State of Play of Respect for Human Rights in Business Relationships, a joint GBI and Institute for Human Rights and Business report.

Mark has a first-class Honors degree in politics theory from Queen Mary University of London. He is trained in various dialogue and facilitation methods including scenario planning, organizational constellations, deep democracy and the art of hosting.