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The Shift Library
Shift’s library has a growing collection of resources, tools and reports designed to help a variety of stakeholders put the UN Guiding Principles into practice. By default, resources are listed chronologically. You can use the search bar to look for titles by keyword or author, or use the filters below to search by change agent, thematic expertise, pillar of the UN Guiding Principles and/or date. Looking for Valuing Respect tools and resources? Visit the dedicated library of resources of the project, here.
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Enhancing the S in ESG: Tools for Investors and Lenders to Drive Better Evaluation and Engagement on Human Rights
This series provides an overview of the indicators and tools developed through Shift's Valuing Respect Project, to help investors and lenders evaluate and engage on human rights. It offers an approach to the Business Model Red Flags, the Leadership and Governance Indicators, and the Indicator Design Tool.

Adding Human Rights to the Shopping Cart
The choices we make as consumers about the delivery terms of products we order online can have a significant impact on the working conditions of the couriers who deliver our purchases. Shift – through it’s Valuing Respect Project – partnered with the Behavioral Science Group at Warwick Business School to see if behavioral science could suggest some ways to "nudge" consumers towards longer delivery windows that could reduce pressures on couriers. The findings suggest some specific ways in which retailers could make a difference.