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The Shift Library
Shift’s library has a growing collection of resources, tools and reports designed to help a variety of stakeholders put the UN Guiding Principles into practice. By default, resources are listed chronologically. You can use the search bar to look for titles by keyword or author, or use the filters below to search by change agent, thematic expertise, pillar of the UN Guiding Principles and/or date. Looking for Valuing Respect tools and resources? Visit the dedicated library of resources of the project, here.
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Understanding business impacts on people: the complementary approaches of ‘business and human rights’ and ‘social and human capital’
The fields of ‘business and human rights’ and ‘human and social capital’ address the management and measurement of business impacts on people – but there is often confusion about where these approaches overlap and where they diverge. This paper sets out the key similarities and differences between the two approaches and outlines how they can be applied together to inform business decision-making. This includes a closer look at terminology, outcomes and impacts, and their shared focus on people.

Beyond Pride: The Rights of LGBTI People and the Corporate Responsibility to Respect
A resource on how companies can negatively impact the lives of LGBTI people and practical approaches they can take to prevent and address risk, as they work to become better allies and fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights.

Audio | Getting Contractual Provisions on Human Rights, Right
A conversation with Shift’s General Counsel, John Sherman III on the Model Contract Clauses for Human Rights published by a working group of the American Bar Association, and how they can help companies incentivize rights-respecting behavior in suppliers – without the need to reinvent the wheel.

Corporate Activism through the Lens of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
This fireside chat was part of Reuters’ Responsible Business Europe 2020 and aired on October 26, 2020 While respect for human rights and corporate activism are often seen as distinct, in this short video, Business Engagement Director Francis West and Advisor Daniel Berezowsky make the case for companies to use their voice and influence as […]

Accountability as part of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: Three Key Considerations for Business
In the context of the European debate on mandatory human rights due diligence, we explore what well-designed mandatory measures could look like, with a focus on the role of accountability – or consequences – for meeting a new legal standard of conduct. We set out three key considerations that we believe businesses that are committed to meeting their responsibility to respect human rights should keep in mind.

Using the lenses of LGBTQI vulnerability to identify and prioritize risk
Advisor Daniel Berezowsky discusses how companies can use the lenses of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex variations in order to identify how LGBTQI people may be more vulnerable to business impacts
In September 2020, Shift hosted a webinar on LGBTQI rights and the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, under the UN Guiding Principles. In the webinar, advisor Daniel Berezowsky discussed structural vulnerability due to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity and/or sex variations. Business Learning Participants can access the full […]

Adding Human Rights to the Shopping Cart
The choices we make as consumers about the delivery terms of products we order online can have a significant impact on the working conditions of the couriers who deliver our purchases. Shift – through it’s Valuing Respect Project – partnered with the Behavioral Science Group at Warwick Business School to see if behavioral science could suggest some ways to "nudge" consumers towards longer delivery windows that could reduce pressures on couriers. The findings suggest some specific ways in which retailers could make a difference.

Black Lives Matter: Putting Human Rights at the Heart of Corporate Responses
The progressive responses by some businesses to the Black Lives Matter protests, and the systemic racism they are calling attention to, have been framed as voluntary commitments of socially conscious companies. In fact, all businesses have an ironclad responsibility to address their connections to these underlying inequalities, as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This briefing note sets out some of the implications of this responsibility.

COVID-19 and Human Rights: Impacts and Business Action in the Seafood Sector
Panelists set the broader context of human rights impacts to workers in the wake of the pandemic, discuss the situation for seafood communities in Mexico specifically, and share what business can and should be doing to keep workers safe.
This webinar –organized by the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions— focused on: The experience of people on the frontlines of seafood production across geographies (focus on the Global South) with regard to human rights, health and safety, and equity before and during COVID-19 Current efforts and interventions to address these issues and where new approaches […]

Human Rights Due Diligence during COVID-19 and Lessons for the Future
This panel was part of the UN Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights 2020. Panelists included Shubha Sekhar, Livio Sarandrea, Cristina Tébar Less, Tara Dermott and Payal Jain. The discussion was facilitated by Shift’s Vice President, Rachel Davis. The video is courtesy of UNDP’s B+HR Asia Pacific