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11 Resources relating to Concept Note
Business and Human Rights Meets Behavioral Science: A Background Note
Business and Human Rights Meets Behavioral Science: A Background Note

Applying Leadership and Governance Indicators of Rights-Respecting Culture
This note sets out Shift’s key take-aways from a series of single-stakeholder consultations we organized between July and August 2020, as part of the Valuing Respect Project.

Applying Indicators of Business Model Red Flags
This note sets out Shift’s key take-aways from a series of single-stakeholder consultations we organized between July and and August 2020, as part of the Valuing Respect Project.

Developing Red Flag Indicators of Human Rights Risks in Business Models
Developing Red Flag Indicators of Human Rights Risks in Business Models

Evaluating Business Respect for Human Rights: A Theory of Change Methodology to Develop Meaningful Indicators
Evaluating Business Respect for Human Rights: A Theory of Change Methodology to Develop Meaningful Indicators

Stakeholder Voice: Learning from Affected Stakeholders to Better Evaluate Program Effectiveness and Outcomes
Stakeholder Voice: Learning from Affected Stakeholders to Better Evaluate Program Effectiveness and Outcomes

Rights-Respecting Corporate Culture: Cultural Norms & Values that Underpin Business Respect for Human Rights
Rights-Respecting Corporate Culture: Identifying the Cultural Norms and Values that Underpin Business Respect for Human Rights