Paul Druckman

Paul Druckman is a Non-Executive Director and Trustee.

He is Chairman of the World Benchmarking Alliance and a Trustee of many organisations including Shift and Accounting for Sustainability which was established by King Charles III. He is an Honorary Professor at Durham Business School and an Advisor for Workiva and on its ESG Advisory Committee.

Paul is a Chartered Accountant who built his own software company before becoming a non-executive director for companies including being Chairman of the Board of Clear Insurance Management group and the Access group.

Highlights in the past have also included being President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW):  being on the City Takeover Panel; the founding CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council; a Board member of the UK government regulator (FRC) and Chairman of UK accounting standards.

John Ruggie

In Memory of John Ruggie

John served as the founding Chair of Shift from 2011 to 2021. He was the Berthold Beitz Research Professor in Human Rights and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He also taught at the Berkeley and San Diego campuses of the University of California, and at Columbia University where he became Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs. From 1997-2001 John served as UN Assistant Secretary-General for Strategic Planning in the cabinet of Kofi Annan; from 2002-2005 as Special Advisor to the Secretary-General for the Global Compact; and from 2005-2011 as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Business and Human Rights.

A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, he received numerous awards from academic and professional societies for his contributions to social science, public policy and the development of international law. In addition to serving as Shift’s Board Chairman, John was also on the Board of Arabesque Asset Management Holding Company as well as Unilever’s Sustainability Advisory Council. His book, Just Business: Multinational Corporations and Human Rights, has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.